Rhaphidophora decursiva care guide

In this guide you'll learn: How to care for your Rhaphidophora decursiva plant and
answers to FAQs to keep your plant happy

The Rhaphidophora decursiva is a rare and visually stunning tropical plant native to Thailand, Indonesia, the Philipines and India. Its leaves are speckled with prolific variegation and deep ridges, making it a strikingly beautiful addition to your living space – a showstopping beauty whose rareness will captivate visitors. Its natural habitat is high humidity, abundant light and warm temperatures, with soil that is rich in organic matter and well-draining.

Tips for nurturing your captivating Rhaphidophora decursiva


It loves high levels of light and flourishes best when placed in a spot where it receives direct or diffused light for between 6 to 8 hours a day. Avoid placing your plant too close to windows on a cold day, as this could cause draft damage.


The Rhaphidophora decursiva loves the heat and loves nothing more than a consistently warm climate. It’s happiest when kept between 18-27°C (64 – 80°F).

Soil Type and Drainage

Plant it in a well-draining, Jungle cactus potting soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5. To test the pH level using a kit.


It prefers high humidity levels, around 60-90% humidity. If the humidity falls below 50%, look to increase humidity through misting and using a humidifier in the room.


This plant likes to stay evenly moist but not overly soaked. Water every 7-10 days when the top inch of the soil becomes dry. Remember to never let your plant sit in water or overwater.


Rhaphidophora decursiva is safe for humans and pets; it is non-toxic.


Fertilise every two-three weeks during the growing season with a low-strength liquid fertiliser and never fertilise during winter.

Troubleshooting Common Problems, Pests and Diseases

Rhaphidophora decursiva is prone to common plant pests like aphids, spider mites, whiteflies and mealybugs. So please keep a lookout for them. If your plant is infected, remove any infested foliage and clean the leaves with dish soap or vinegar and water or use a diluted neem oil solution to repel them from returning. If your Rhaphidophora decursiva looks rather pale it is likely a lack of light; move your plant to a brighter spot in the house. Brown spots on the leaves are usually caused by too much sun; check the plant is not getting too much direct light and move if necessary.


To propagate your Rhaphidophora decursiva, use stem cuttings. Take a cutting with a few leaves attached, dip the end in rooting hormone and plant it in a soil mix. To ensure the soil doesn’t dry out, seal the plant and soil in a plastic bag.

Final Thoughts

The undeniably remarkable Rhaphidophora decursiva is a unique and valuable addition to any home or collection, and with proper care and attention, it will indeed thrive. If the care requirements of this captivating tropical plant Sync with your lifestyle and environment, then why not bring the beauty of this showstopping beauty home and take pleasure in watching it grow and prosper.

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A passionate plant lover and houseplant connoisseur with a rich family background in horticulture. With experience in plant nurseries and garden centers, Jonathan has cultivated a diverse collection of leafy friends and explored native flora on adventures such as trips to South America. His mission is to share his knowledge and enthusiasm for plants, creating a greener and happier world for all.

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