Monstera pinnatipartita care guide

In this guide you'll learn: How to care for your Monstera pinnatipartita plant and
answers to FAQs to keep your plant happy

About the monstera pinnatipartita

Monstera pinnatipartita is a beautiful plant that is native to Central America. It is a climbing plant that can reach up to 20 feet in length and has large, glossy leaves. The leaves are deeply divided and have a unique, deeply-lobed shape.

Monstera pinnatipartita is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers bright, indirect light but can also tolerate lower light levels.

The plant should be allowed to dry out somewhat between watering.

Watering should be done less frequently in the winter months. Monstera pinnatipartita is not tolerant of frost, so it is best to keep it as an indoor plant. The plant can be propagated by taking stem cuttings.

If you want to propagate your Monstera pinnatipartita, the best way to do it is by taking stem cuttings. You’ll need to cut a few inches below a leaf node. You can then place the cutting in water or moist soil and it should start to grow roots within a few weeks. Once the roots are established, you can then transfer the cutting to a pot with fresh soil.

Here are some tips for nurturing your Monstera pinnatipartita:


The Monstera pinnatipartita prefers bright, indirect light, but can also tolerate low light levels. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to yellow or become sunburnt.


The Monstera pinnatipartita prefers a warm and humid environment, with temperatures ranging from 21-27°C (70-80°F). It is sensitive to cold drafts, so be sure to keep it away from doors, windows, and air conditioning vents.

Soil Type and Drainage

The Monstera pinnatipartita prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A good potting mix for this plant would be a combination of peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark. Make sure to provide your plant with a pot that has drainage holes to prevent excess water from accumulating and potentially causing root rot.


As a tropical plant, the Monstera pinnatipartita thrives in high humidity. If your home is particularly dry, you may want to consider misting the plant or placing it on a humidity tray. You can also use a humidifier to increase the humidity in the room.


The Monstera pinnatipartita prefers to be kept consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Be careful not to let the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.


The Monstera pinnatipartita is toxic to pets and humans if ingested, so it is important to keep it out of reach of children and animals. The plant contains insoluble calcium oxalates, which can cause irritation to the mouth and throat if ingested.


During the growing season (spring through fall), you can fertilise your Monstera pinnatipartita every two to four weeks using a balanced liquid fertiliser. During the winter months, you can reduce fertilising to once a month or not at all.

Troubleshooting Pests, Diseases, and Common Problems

The Monstera pinnatipartita is prone to common houseplant pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and scale. If you notice any of these pests, you can treat them with a mixture of water and mild dish soap, or with a commercial pest control product.

Root rot is another common problem with the Monstera pinnatipartita. This can be caused by over-watering or poor drainage. To prevent root rot, make sure to only water the plant when the soil is dry and provide it with a well-draining soil mix.

If you do notice that your plant is suffering from root rot, you will need to carefully remove the affected roots and repot the plant in fresh soil.


The Monstera pinnatipartita can be propagated by dividing the root ball or by rooting stem cuttings.

To propagate by dividing the root ball, carefully remove the plant from its pot and gently separate the roots, being sure to leave enough roots on each section for it to continue to thrive.

Repot each section in a new pot filled with fresh soil.

To propagate by rooting stem cuttings, cut a healthy stem with at least two or three leaves, remove the lower leaves, and place the cutting in water or a well-draining soil mix.

Keep the soil moist and provide the cutting with bright, indirect light.

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Plant-lover with a life-goal to buy land across the UK to plant his own forest, James specialises in horticulture and botanical research, and has been growing and rewilding forests with trees, including endangered species, for over 15 years. He is an avid gardener, allotment owner, and aids in the running of a carbon neutral initiative in companies across the UK.

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