Hoya kerrii care guide

In this guide you'll learn: How to care for your Hoya kerrii plant and
answers to FAQs to keep your plant happy

Hoya kerrii, otherwise known as the ‘Sweetheart Plant’ or ‘Lucky Heart’ is a shining beacon of beauty. Native to parts of India and China, this plant is truly exquisite, making it an attractive and eye-catching addition to any indoor collection.

Though this species of evergreen perennials is known for its trailing heart-shaped foliage and ease of care, they are actually infrequent in their natural habitats, making it an even more special and desirable plant to own and nurture.

With their varied shades of green adorned with detailed marbled patterns, these leaves look almost like works of art. When the light hits them just right, and the deep green shine contrasts against the duller hues, it truly is something to admire.

But that’s not all, for once you get it settled in its environment and stable conditions, you’ll begin to witness the buds of long-lasting white star-shaped flowers – a sight that won’t be forgotten. If you’re familiar with the phrase ‘go big or go home,’ then this is definitely the sentiment that you should take on board when considering the Hoya kerrii for a new member of your indoor family.

Tips for nurturing your Hoya kerrii


Hoya kerrii loves to get plenty of bright, indirect sunlight – whether this is via a window sill or conservatory – otherwise, artificial light is more than suitable as well.


The Hoya kerrii should be kept in temperatures between 15-30 °C (59-86°F) to maintain optimum health.

Soil Type and Drainage

This plant is pretty adaptable when it comes to soil types; however, it does best when planted in a well-draining, moisture-retaining potting mix.


Though not a major headache, this species likes having extra humidity around 40-50% if possible.


Water your Hoya kerrii regularly, but allow the top couple of inches of soil to dry out between each watering. Take care not to overwater your plant, as this can lead to root rot, which could be fatal.


Take note – though this species of Hoya is not toxic, certain toxins can still cause irritation and possible vomiting, so keep them out of reach of curious little hands and pets.


In order to keep your Hoya kerrii healthy and growing optimally, use a light dose of liquid fertiliser every couple of weeks.

Troubleshooting Pests, Diseases, and Common Problems

The Hoya kerrii is relatively resistant to both pests and diseases. If you find an attack has occurred, be sure to remove any wilting leaves and take preventative measures to address the problem. Ensure the plant is not getting too much sun or water, which could cause problems.


Single-leaf propagation is the best method for the Hoya kerrii. Simply pluck a leaf, root the cutting in well-draining soil, and keep it warm and moist until the roots grow.

Final Thoughts

With the proper attention and care, your Hoya kerrii will provide you with a lifetime of joy and happiness. Displayed on a mantelpiece or as part of a beautiful bookshelf, this sweetheart of a plant will be sure to bring any room to life!

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About the Author

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A passionate plant lover and houseplant connoisseur with a rich family background in horticulture. With experience in plant nurseries and garden centers, Jonathan has cultivated a diverse collection of leafy friends and explored native flora on adventures such as trips to South America. His mission is to share his knowledge and enthusiasm for plants, creating a greener and happier world for all.

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