Philodendron verrucosum care guide

In this guide you'll learn: How to care for your Philodendron verrucosum plant and
answers to FAQs to keep your plant happy

The Philodendron verrucosum is a beautiful, rare and highly sought-after plant native to the rainforests of Southern Central America. It is treasured by plant lovers worldwide and is known for its long, waxy foliage.

Its thick, velvety leaves can reach up to 20cm in length and feature a unique network of deep-grooved and ridged patterns, giving them an unmistakably exotic look with subtle colour variations. This striking foliage, made up of a rich spectrum of drab greens, reddish-brown veins and silver purples, adds an arresting aura to any room or garden, making it a must-have for any plant connoisseur.

Tips for nurturing your Philodendron verrucosum


Philodendron verrucosum prefers bright, indirect sunlight. If your plant is placed too close to a window, the sun may be too direct and cause the burning of the leaves.


The temperatures should not drop below ten °C, or 50°F, and ideally be kept between 15-27°C, or 59-81°F.

Soil Type and Drainage

The Philodendron verrucosum should be planted in a well-draining soil of porous, quality potting mix mixed with an equal part of either orchid bark or Sphagnum moss. To increase its aeration capabilities and avoid water-logging, it’s better to add in some perlite too.


Humidity should be kept to a comfortable level – between 40-70%.


The Philodendron verrucosum will thrive with regular watering. Water your plant regularly and check the soil to ensure the pot isn’t completely dry. The amount of water required will depend on the season, but the soil should generally feel slightly moist to the touch.


The Philodendron verrucosum is not poisonous to humans or household pets, but it’s best to keep an eye on them in case they get curious and try to nibble it.


This plant is a heavy feeder and will benefit from monthly fertilising with a balanced fertiliser, like a 20-20-20. Too much fertiliser may cause leaf burn, so caution should be applied.

Troubleshooting pests, diseases and common problems

Troubleshooting with the Philodendron verrucosum is pretty straightforward. Common pests like whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites can cause significant damage to the plant and should be treated with a water spray or neem oil. If the plant is prone to root rot, it is best to repot it in an appropriate potting medium and ensure sufficient drainage and air circulation. Browning or yellowing leaves can also be caused by too much or too little water, so it’s best to adjust your watering habits accordingly.


Propagating the Philodendron verrucosum is a straightforward process, using either division or stem cuttings from an existing plant. Stem cuttings taken from the tips of the plant should be at least 10 cm long and be allowed two to three hours of direct sunlight daily. Once all that is done place the cutting into a pot of moist soil and water regularly and evenly. After a few weeks, roots will start to sprout, and once they’ve become established, they can be transplanted into larger containers.

Final Thoughts

The Philodendron verrucosum is an incredibly beautiful and rare plant, perfect for any home or garden. With the proper care, it can add texture, colour and character to any indoor space and will impress any plant lover!

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A passionate plant lover and houseplant connoisseur with a rich family background in horticulture. With experience in plant nurseries and garden centers, Jonathan has cultivated a diverse collection of leafy friends and explored native flora on adventures such as trips to South America. His mission is to share his knowledge and enthusiasm for plants, creating a greener and happier world for all.

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